Prevent SQL Text Truncation in Emails

Prevent SQL Text Truncation in Emails

Prevent SQL Text Truncation in Emails

Dec 4, 2024

Stop SQL Text Truncation in Emails

Sharing SQL query results via email is common, but long texts or query outputs often get cut off.

This happens because email systems have character limits or auto-format large text, leaving you with incomplete information.

Here’s how to avoid SQL Truncation and ensure your data gets delivered in full:
  1. Filter Your Data: Only include necessary fields and rows in your query results.

  2. Use Attachments: Save your results as a CSV or Excel file and send it as an attachment.

  3. Format Smartly: Use HTML tables for better organization and clarity in emails.

  4. Upgrade Tools: Leverage plugins designed to handle and share large datasets.

How Sherloq's Plugin Makes Sending SQL Over Email Simple

Sherloq's free to use plugin enables you to save your SQL, no matter how long, and create a shareable link that you can then send directly to anyone on your team.
You can also create a shared folder and add multiple queries.
The best part? Sherloq is a plugin so it sits directly on top of your SQL editor and IDE.
With our simple keyboard shortcut you can easily save and share directly from your editor.

That way you can stop fighting with email limits and let Sherloq handle it for you.

Get Sherloq for free.