Refer Sherloq to Your

Teammates and Friends

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Refer Sherloq to Your

Teammates and Friends

Get your unique code

By signing up you agree to the Referral T&Cs

How does it work?


Sign up to become a referrer and receive a link with your unique code.


Share your link with SQL users who will sign up to Sherloq + save 3 SQL queries on the platform.


For each active signup, earn a $10 Amazon Gift Card + 1 point.
Most points wins 2 plane tickets!

Earn a $10 Amazon Gift Card for every active signup.

Referrer with most active signups wins 2 plane tickets!

Earn a $10 Amazon Gift Card for every active signup.

Referrer with most active signups wins 2 plane tickets!


Who is Sherloq for?

Who can become a Referrer? And how can I participate?

How long is the referral contest?

What do I win and what are the prizes?

What is considered as an active sign up?

What do I need to do after signing up as a referrer?

How do my friends participate?

How are points calculated in the referral program?

How do I earn a $10 Amazon Gift Card?

How do I win 2 plane tickets?

Is there any cost associated with participating in the referral program?

Is there a limit on the amount I can earn?

Is there a limit on the number of points I can get?

Can I participate if I'm not a current Sherloq user?

What is Sherloq and how does it help with SQL?

I have more questions, who can I talk to?

Who is Sherloq for?

Who can become a Referrer? And how can I participate?

How long is the referral contest?

What do I win and what are the prizes?

What is considered as an active sign up?

What do I need to do after signing up as a referrer?

How do my friends participate?

How are points calculated in the referral program?

How do I earn a $10 Amazon Gift Card?

How do I win 2 plane tickets?

Is there any cost associated with participating in the referral program?

Is there a limit on the amount I can earn?

Is there a limit on the number of points I can get?

Can I participate if I'm not a current Sherloq user?

What is Sherloq and how does it help with SQL?

I have more questions, who can I talk to?

Who is Sherloq for?

Who can become a Referrer? And how can I participate?

How long is the referral contest?

What do I win and what are the prizes?

What is considered as an active sign up?

What do I need to do after signing up as a referrer?

How do my friends participate?

How are points calculated in the referral program?

How do I earn a $10 Amazon Gift Card?

How do I win 2 plane tickets?

Is there any cost associated with participating in the referral program?

Is there a limit on the amount I can earn?

Is there a limit on the number of points I can get?

Can I participate if I'm not a current Sherloq user?

What is Sherloq and how does it help with SQL?

I have more questions, who can I talk to?

Become a Referrer and start earning

Become a Referrer to

get your unique code

By signing up you agree to the Referral T&Cs